Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fasttech Nemesis Clone Mods to fix crunchy switch throw.

***Disclaimer:  I'm not responsible for damage you do to your device or harm to yourself from doing these mods.  This is just simply what I do and should not be taken as official.  When using a Hybrid cap/ style mod, you have to make sure the center pin protrudes enough where it will clear the threading so only the center pin comes in contact with the battery.  Please be careful and be safe.***

As promised, here are the mods I do to the Nemesis clone from Fasttech.  In the beginning, it seemed that the tubes themselves have been too short causing an extremely long throw thus putting the switch cap far enough out to catch on the end of the mod tube.  This is where the crunchiness comes from.  Somewhere along the line, they have lengthened the tube so that the switch will now thread all the way into the tube and bottom out and you are unable to depress the switch at all.  In this case all you would have to do is back the firing pin out a bit until you get a short throw and avoid the crunchiness all together.  Simple easy fix.

Now, if you own an older or shorter tube, this will be how to fix the crunchiness.  As stated before, I have swapped the 510 center pin for the firing pin and all together did away with the top cap.  You will first have to disassemble the switch and make sure not to lose the little pin (rice pin) it is very important that you don't lose this.  If you will be switching to magnets, this is the time to replace the spring with them.  If you chose to use the spring, that is fine too.  It won't affect the way the switch performs mechanically.  Some have reported electrically it conducts and gets hot, but I have never used a nemesis with a spring so I can't comment on that.

First off I take the Delrin (this one is black but can be done with the white Delrin as well) and sand about half of it off.  Then I take the firing pin and sand it down so when assembled it will sit below the upper most part of the sanded Delrin.  If not sanded it will cause an auto fire as soon as you assemble the mod.

At this point it's ready for assembly.  If you are going to put in magnets, now is the time to do it.
here are the magnets that I used.
Now that you have it assembled again, you can fine tune with the same method I talked about above.  if you sanded too much, you can back the firing pin out and dial in the switch to where you get a nice short throw and no crunchiness.

To finish up the mod, I use a hybrid cap also from Fasttech.  it just shortens the mod and puts the atomizer center pin in direct contact with the battery.  Beware that the 510 pin protrudes enough where the threads won't come in contact with your battery or you will cause a hard short and possibly battery venting or worse.

There you have it.  Those are the mods I do to my Nemesis Clone from Fasttech.  Again, I buy my Nemesis clones from fasttech because I know the hybrid caps will fit properly.  I have two Nemesis clones from other vendors which the hybrid cap from fasttech did not fit.

Remember, be careful when using a hybrid cap because if not setup properly, you can get seriously hurt or worse.

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